Privilege Wealth Planner
Privilege Wealth Planner (the “Plan”) guides you towards a bright future with wealth accumulation, legacy planning and protection for loved ones. The Plan offers potential long-term capital growth to help you achieve financial freedom and carefree retirement, and to leave a legacy for generations to come. Should the worst happen, additional financial support will be provided to protect your beloved family.
Enjoy the below offers for successful enrollment during the promotion period!
Up to 30% premium discount on the first year’s premium. Click here for details.
Wealth accumulation for a desirable future
Multiple potential returns to accelerate wealth building
The Plan is a participating insurance plan that offers you potential capital growth. Its policy value consists of the following components:
● Guaranteed cash value grows over the policy years helping you accumulate wealth.
● Terminal dividend1 is a one-off non-guaranteed dividend, which is payable from the 5th policy anniversary upon certain events.
●Total amount of terminal dividend management account2 is equivalent to locked-in terminal dividend and accumulated interest3 (if any) less withdrawal amount (if any).
Terminal dividend management option to help you lock in gains
To facilitate your financial need, starting from the 15th policy anniversary and every policy anniversary thereafter, you can apply to exercise the “terminal dividend management option”2 to lock in a designated percentage of the terminal dividend of the policy. This option can only be exercised once for each policy year. The minimum percentage for each application is 10% and the maximum aggregate percentage of all applications is 50%. The terminal dividend which is applied to lock in will be transferred to the terminal dividend management account and will become locked-in terminal dividend. The locked-in terminal dividend will then be guaranteed and will accumulate with interest3 (if any) at a non-guaranteed rate. You may also withdraw from the terminal dividend management account for extra liquidity.
Flexible access to your wealth to match your needs
To realize your financial goals, you can partially withdraw the guaranteed cash value and terminal dividend1 (if any) through reducing the basic amount4. The policy value will be reduced accordingly while the total amount of terminal dividend management account2 (if any) will remain unchanged.
Alternatively, you can apply for policy loan to borrow part of the guaranteed cash value when needed, while keeping the policy in force. Interest on policy loan which is not guaranteed will be charged at a rate determined by us from time to time.
Build a legacy for future generations
Unlimited change of insured to pass on wealth across generations
We understand you wish to provide your loved ones with a secure financial future. This is why the Plan features the “change of insured option”5, allowing you to change the insured starting from the 10th policy anniversary for unlimited times while the insured is alive. The benefit term of the policy will be extended to age 138 of the new insured upon each change, giving your wealth more time to grow and pass on through generations.
Contingent insured to sustain insurance coverage
You can appoint and prioritize a maximum of 2 contingent insureds6 at a time starting from the 10th policy anniversary while the insured is alive and the policy is in force. In case the insured unfortunately passes away, we will arrange the contingent insured who is first in line to be the new insured according to relevant administrative procedures and orders. The policy will continue to be effective so as to protect your legacy for future generations.
Life protection provides peace of mind to your loved ones
Death benefit
In case the insured unfortunately passes away while the policy is in force and there is no contingent insured under the policy, we will pay the beneficiary a death benefit which is equal to the higher of:
1) 101% of accumulated premium due and paid of the basic plan; or
2) sum of guaranteed cash value and terminal dividend1 (if any) of the basic plan at the date of death of the insured,
plus total amount of terminal dividend management account2(if any), less all indebtedness (if any).
The policy will be terminated after we pay the death benefit.
Additional death benefit
In the event the insured unfortunately passes away within the first 10 policy years while the policy is in force, apart from death benefit, we will pay the beneficiary an additional death benefit which is equal to the lower of:
1) 100% of basic amount of the basic plan; or
2) the maximum additional death benefit amount as stated in the below table.
Age of the insured at application | Maximum additional death benefit amount |
Age 0 to 55 | HKD5,000,000 / USD625,000 |
Age 56 to 65 | HKD2,000,000 / USD250,000 |
The policy will be terminated after we pay the additional death benefit.
The total amount of additional death benefit payable under all policies under the Privilege Wealth Planner issued by the Company in respect of the same insured shall not exceed the maximum additional death benefit amount as stated above.
Death benefit and additional death benefit settlement option
While the insured is alive, you can choose how the death benefit and additional death benefit (if any) are to be paid to safeguard your family’s financial future. You can choose to settle the benefits in a lump sum or by installments7 with a fixed amount in cash annually over a fixed payment term of 10 or 20 years.
If the total amount of death benefit at the date of the insured’s death is less than HKD400,000/USD50,000, or the policyholder has not confirmed any settlement option of death benefit and additional death benefit (if any) before the date of death of the insured, we will pay out the benefit amount to the beneficiary in a lump sum.
24-hour worldwide emergency assistance service
If the insured is diagnosed with an illness or is injured in an accident outside the country of residence, he/she can access comprehensive coverage under the free 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance service8.
Simplified underwriting
To enable you to achieve your goals with ease, application of the Plan is easy. Simplified underwriting procedures are available and no medical examination is required.
Privilege Wealth Planner
Issue age | 15 days to age 65 | |
Benefit term | To age 138 of the latest insured | |
Premium payment term | 5 years | |
Premium payment mode9 | Annual / annual and premium prepayment10 | |
Policy currency | HKD / USD | |
Minimum basic amount4 | HKD64,000 / USD8,000 | |
Maximum basic amount4 | Age of the insured at application | Maximum basic amount for each insured under all policies under the Plan |
Age 0 to 55 | HKD5,000,000 / USD625,000 | |
Age 56 to 65 | HKD2,000,000 / USD250,000 |
- Terminal dividend is a one-off dividend and is non-guaranteed. Amount of terminal dividend shown in proposal illustration is just an indicative figure. Declared terminal dividend is not perpetually attached to the policy. It may be reduced or increased at subsequent declarations. Its actual amount will only be determined when it becomes payable. The actual amount may be lower or higher than the projected figure. Under some circumstances, actual amount of terminal dividend may be zero. The amount of the terminal dividend is affected by various factors including but not limited to the performance of the underlying investments, so the amount is relatively volatile and will move up and down over time. China Life (Overseas) reserves the right to revise the terminal dividend from time to time. Past record is not necessarily indicative of future result. For more information, please refer to clause 5 and clause 6 under “Important information” and “Non-guaranteed benefit” risk of the product brochure of the Plan.
Starting from the 5th policy anniversary, the terminal dividend shall be paid upon the occurrence of the earliest of the following conditions:
(i) when the Company pays the death benefit (only applicable if the sum of guaranteed cash value and terminal dividend of the basic plan at the date of death of the insured is higher than 101% of accumulated premium due and paid of the basic plan);
(ii) when the policy is surrendered by the policyholder; or
(iii) when the policy reaches the policy maturity date. - For application to exercise the “terminal dividend management option”, such application must be received by the Company within 30 days from the relevant policy anniversary (including the date of policy anniversary). The option will only be exercised provided that the application fulfills the application requirement and is confirmed by the Company. There is no limitation on the number of times of exercising this option when the policy is in force, but the policyholder can apply to exercise this option in writing only once for each policy year. The Company will process the exercise of this option only once for each written application. There must be no unpaid premium or indebtedness in the policy during application to exercise this option. The amount of locked-in terminal dividend is guaranteed after the Company’s approval of the application. Once the application is approved by the Company, the terminal dividend which is applied to lock in will be transferred to the terminal dividend management account as soon as practicable and will become locked-in terminal dividend. The locked-in terminal dividend will be deposited with the Company to accumulate interest (if any) and the interest (if any) will be accrued annually at a rate to be determined by the Company at its sole discretion from time to time. You can submit request to the Company to withdraw part or all of the locked-in terminal dividend and accumulated interest (if any) from terminal dividend management account in a lump sum without surrendering the policy. The withdrawal amount is subject to minimum requirement imposed by the Company from time to time. The actual amount of the locked-in terminal dividend will only be determined after the application has been approved by the Company. The total amount of terminal dividend management account is equivalent to locked-in terminal dividend and accumulated interest (if any) less withdrawal amount (if any) from the terminal dividend management account. Upon the completion of transferring the terminal dividend to the terminal dividend management account by the Company as per application, the terminal dividend (if any) of the relevant policy year will be adjusted proportionally. The terminal dividend (if any) of subsequent policy years will be adjusted proportionally. Locked-in terminal dividend will not be allowed to be reset or reversed to terminal dividend. For details, please refer to the policy provision.
- The interest rate is not guaranteed. The actual benefits and/or returns may be lower or higher than estimates. China Life (Overseas) reserves the right to revise the interest from time to time. The prevailing accumulation interest rate of policy(ies) denominated in HKD and USD are 3.45% p.a. and 3.9% p.a. respectively.
- “Basic amount” means the amount shown on the policy information page or endorsement as the “basic amount”. The basic amount is used to calculate the premium and relevant values of the policy, but is not applicable to the calculation of the death benefit. If the basic amount has been amended while the policy is in force, the said premium and relevant values of the policy will be adjusted accordingly.
- When the Company receives the written request for the “change of insured”, the age of the new insured cannot be above (i) age 65 and (ii) the attained age of the current insured, whichever is lower. The Company must be satisfied with the insurable interest between the new insured and the policyholder. Both the current insured and the new insured must be alive at the time of applying for the change of insured. Such request must fulfill the related administration procedure of the Company. The policy’s basic amount, cash value, policy date, policy year, premium expiry date, accumulated premium due and paid, death benefit, terminal dividend management option, total amount of terminal dividend management account (if any) and indebtedness (if any) will not be changed as a result of the change of insured.
- When the Company receives the written request for “designating the contingent insured”, the age of the contingent insured(s) cannot be above (i) age 65 and (ii) the attained age of the current insured, whichever is lower. The Company must be satisfied with the insurable interest between the contingent insured(s) and the policyholder. Such request must fulfill the related administration procedure of the Company. The policy’s basic amount, cash value, policy date, policy year, premium expiry date, accumulated premium due and paid, death benefit, terminal dividend management option, total amount of terminal dividend management account (if any) and indebtedness (if any) will not be changed after the contingent insured becomes the insured.
- For the installment option, the remaining balance of death benefit and additional death benefit (if any) will be deposited in the policy to accumulate interest (if any) until the end of the payment term. The interest will be calculated on an annual basis and it is non-guaranteed which will be determined by us from time to time. The accumulated interest (if any) will be paid together with the last installment of death benefit and additional death benefit (if any). If the beneficiary(ies) dies at any time before the Company has fully paid the death benefit and additional death benefit (if any), the Company shall pay the remaining balance of the death benefit and additional death benefit (if any) with accumulated interest (if any) in a lump sum payment to the personal representative for the estate of the deceased beneficiary(ies). The policy will be terminated thereafter.
- 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance service is provided by third party service provider. We will not guarantee the service quality and shall not be liable for any matter in connection with the services. China Life (Overseas) reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions thereof from time to time without prior notice.
- If the required renewal premium is paid by you within the grace period, the policy shall continue to be in force. For details, please refer to the policy provisions issued by China Life (Overseas). If the policy is lapsed or surrendered early, the policy cash value received by you may be considerably less than the total amount of the premiums paid.
- If you choose the annual and premium prepayment option, you can withdraw the unused prepaid premium (including interest, if any) at one time. China Life (Overseas) will charge 2% of the withdrawal amount, at a minimum amount of HKD200/USD25. You can withdraw the unused prepaid premiums once only. The interest rate of prepaid premium is 4% p.a. and this interest rate is guaranteed.
Important Information
Important Information:
The information above is for reference only. Please refer to the Policy documents for the complete definitions of the capitalised terms, as well as all the terms and conditions of this product. You are reminded to review all of the relevant product materials provided to you and to seek independent professional advice if necessary.
- The Policy is underwritten by China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited (“China Life (Overseas)” or "us / we / our"). China Life (Overseas) is responsible for the features, underwriting and benefit payments under the Policy. You should fully understand all of the risks involved in this product and consider whether this product is affordable and suitable to you before making your application.
- China Life (Overseas) shall make the final decisions on the underwriting and claims. We shall rely on your submitted information to assess whether to accept or decline your application, and shall refund any Premium paid without interest for declined cases.
- Exclusions - The Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy shall not cover any claims if the Insured is involved in any of the following activities or the consequences directly or indirectly caused by any of the following events occur in respect of the Insured: (a) war, act of hostility (whether war declared or not), civil war, revolution or any military actions; (b) rebellion, civil commotion, strike or activities of terrorism; (c) contamination resulting from nuclear weapons, ionizing radiation, nuclear fuel or waste produced from the combustion of nuclear fuel (the said nuclear combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission); (d) during war, act of hostility (whether war declared or not), any military actions or repression of rebellion, the Insured is engaging in or taking part in military services; (e) directly or indirectly caused by the Insured engaging in aviation, except as a passenger on an aircraft of a commercial airline on a scheduled route; (f) self-inflicted injuries or suicide (whether sane or not) by or attempted by the Insured (whether felony or not); (g) childbirth, pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion, even if it is accelerated or induced by an Accident ; (h) surgery operated on the Insured and induced by disease, infected disease or incident that is not caused by an Accident ; (i) taking of poison or inhaling poisonous gas or poisonous mist (whether voluntary or not); except Accidental inhaling by the Insured in a fire ; (j) the Insured as a professional athlete participating in sports or earning income or remuneration through the sports; (k) participating in hunting, mountaineering, motor racing, horse racing, ice-skiing, skiing, scuba-diving, parachuting, hang-gliding, boxing or any other competitions or performances; (l) while the Insured is on duty as a professional driver and is entering, driving, operating, servicing, riding in or departing from any land vehicle or conveyance outside the territorial limits of Hong Kong and Macau; (m) the Insured is assaulted or murdered during rebellion, civil commotion, strikes or when making an arrest while the Insured is employed as a full-time or part-time police officer or cadet officer, or is an officer or a member of the Correctional Services Department; or (n) the Insured is assaulted or murdered during rebellion, civil commotion or strikes while the Insured is employed as a fireman, or is on duty as a fireman and is engaging in firefighting or activities for protecting people and property in a fire.
In addition, the information stated in this product brochure is for reference only. Please refer to the General Provisions for the exact terms and conditions and limitations such as incontestability, suicide and fraud etc. or all exclusions.
- Non-Payment of Premium / Automatic Premium Loan - You should pay Premium(s) on time according to the selected Premium payment schedule. If the due Premium remains unpaid upon the expiry of the Grace Period, an Automatic Premium Loan will be taken out against the Policy to settle the unpaid Premium automatically. All Policy Loans are interest-bearing and calculated at a rate (as stated on our corporate website www.chinalife.com.hk) to be declared by us from time to time. Interest accrued shall become a part of the Indebtedness. When the loan balance is equal to or exceeds the guaranteed Cash Value of the basic plan of the Policy, the Policy will be lapsed and you will lose the related insurance coverage and suffer a financial loss. Under these circumstances, the Surrender Value of the Policy will be deducted to repay the outstanding loan balance (including interest), and the remaining value will be refunded to you.
- Dividend and/or Crediting Interest Philosophy - This is a participating and/or providing interest on accumulation insurance plan. Premiums received from the policies will be invested to a variety of assets according to China Life (Overseas)’s investment strategy. The surplus from the invested assets will be shared with Policyholder through declared dividends and/or interest rate on accumulation in accordance with the relevant clause in the benefit provision. China Life (Overseas) will ensure a fair sharing of profits among different groups of policyholders and also between policyholders and China Life (Overseas). China Life (Overseas) will review and determine the dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation at least once a year, the current projection on dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation are not guaranteed and subject to change with the entire performance of the relevant policies and the factor including but not limited to the investment returns, operating expense, claims experience, commission, persistency, past experience and future prospect. In addition, China Life (Overseas) will consider both past and future outlooks of all factors including but not limited to:
Claims – including the costs of providing death benefit as well as other benefits under the product(s).
Investment return – including the interest income, dividend income, outlook of interest rates and any changes in the market value of the product’s backing asset.
Expenses – including both direct expenses (e.g. commissions, underwriting, issue and premium collection expenses) and indirect expenses (e.g. general overhead expenses) related to the product.
Persistency – including policy lapse and partial surrender experience.
Note: The dividend or interest rate history is not an indicator of the future performance of this product.
- Investment Philosophy, Policy and Strategy - China Life (Overseas) aims to strive for minimizing volatility of the investment return and provides stable return as our investment philosophy. Assets are mainly invested in bonds and other fixed income instruments, such as government and corporate bonds and other fixed income instruments to support the guaranteed financial obligation. To enhance the performance of the investment portfolio, China Life (Overseas) invests in equity-type investments and other investment instruments such as mutual funds and direct / indirect investment in properties or commercial institutions.
The investment portfolio will be diversified across different geographic regions and /or industries. Investment strategy will be subject to change depending on the market conditions and the economic outlook. China Life (Overseas) will inform Policyholder the relevant changes in dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation and the impact to the policies when there is change in the investment strategy.
China Life (Overseas)’s current investment strategy on participating and/or providing interest on accumulation plans are as follow:
Please refer to China Life (Overseas) Company’s website www.chinalife.com.hk/products/dividendandinvestment for dividend history, Dividend and/or Crediting Interest Philosophy, Investment Philosophy, Policy and Strategy, as well as the fulfillment ratio of China Life (Overseas).Asset type Target Asset Mix (%) Bonds and other fixed income instruments 50% to 90% Equity-type investment and other investments 10% to 50%
- Cooling-off Right - You have the right to cancel the Policy within the Cooling-off Period and obtain a refund of any Premiums paid by giving written notice to us provided that you have not made any claims under the Policy. Such notice must be signed by you and submitted to China Life (Overseas) at 22/F, CLI Building, 313 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong within 21 days after the delivery of the Policy or issue of a Notice to you or your representative informing you that the Policy is available, whichever is earlier.
What are the key product risks? | |
Credit risk: | This product is a life insurance Policy issued by China Life (Overseas). Any Premium paid will become part of our assets and our financial strength will affect our ability to meet our contractual obligations to you under the Policy. Therefore this product is subject to our credit risk. |
Early surrender risk: | The savings component of the Plan is subject to risks and possible losses. Should you surrender the Policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of Premiums paid. |
Exchange rate and Currency risks: | Any Policy with foreign currencies involves risks, such as potential changes in political or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. The fluctuations in exchange rates may also cause financial losses to you during currency conversions. You should consider the potential currency and exchange rate risks before deciding which Policy currency you should take. |
Inflation risk: | The cost of living in the future may be higher than expected due to the effects of inflation. Therefore, your current planned benefits and/or returns may be insufficient to meet your future needs even if we fulfill all of our contractual terms and obligations. |
Liquidity and Withdrawal risk: | You are obliged to hold the Policy and pay the Premium for the designated period of time. If you terminate the Policy prior to the Policy Maturity Date, you will suffer a financial loss. In case you make partial withdrawals from the Policy, your account value, death benefit and other Policy values will be reduced, and you may need to pay the relevant handling fee or charges (if any). |
Non-guaranteed Benefit: | This Plan consists of non-guaranteed benefits and/or returns. The actual amounts of benefits and/or returns in the future may be different from the benefits and/or returns which project on the product materials. The product materials are for illustrative purposes only. |
Policy Termination: | The Policy will be terminated if (a) the Policy is lapsed or surrendered; or (b) the Company has paid the Policy Maturity Benefit; (c) the Company has paid the death benefit, (d) the due Premium has not been paid within 31 days after the Premium Due Date, and the Policy has no remaining guaranteed Cash Value, or (e) the Indebtedness of the Policy is equal to or exceeds the guaranteed Cash Value of the Policy. |
The information and descriptions contained herein are not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions applicable to the products and services, but are provided solely for general informational purposes. For complete details please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement.