Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and /or mandatory provident fund (MPF) account and /or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from China Life Trustees Limited (“CLT”)! If you’re suspicious of any means claiming to be CLT, customers are reminded not to disclose any personal information and call our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 3999 5555 or send email to for verification.

Beware of scams! Do not provide bank, credit card, investment, insurance and /or mandatory provident fund (MPF) account and /or other key personal information via hyperlinks embedded in suspicious messages purported to be coming from China Life Trustees Limited (“CLT”)! If you’re suspicious of any means claiming to be CLT, customers are reminded not to disclose any personal information and call our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 3999 5555 or send email to for verification.
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China Life MPF Master Trust Scheme

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eMPF Corner

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About Us

China Life Trustees Limited("CLT")is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited, which is a member of China Life Insurance (Group) Co. CLT is one of the trustees approved by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority ("MPFA") to administer the registered mandatory provident fund schemes in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

CLT is dedicated to offer you the best-quality provident fund services, so that you can manage your mandatory provident fund contributions smartly and plan well for the future. By co-operating with renowned investments managers around the world, CLT strives to provide you with fruitful returns from contributions you have carefully saved up over the years.


Diversified Services

  Beware of Scam Calls


China Life MPF Master Trust Scheme has been honoured with numerous awards in the industry *:

Hong Kong Institute of Marketing Market Leadership Award 2022/2023


Market Leadership in MPF Products (3rd consecutive year)

China Life Trustees Limited


Triple Crown Award
China Life Trustees Limited


According to assessment of Hong Kong Institute of Marketing on enterprises’ game-changing marketing plans and professional performance under the new-normal circumstances in 2022 to 2023. Please refer to: version only)

Quamnet Outstanding Enterprise Awards 2022


Outstanding MPF Scheme (6th consecutive year)

China Life Trustees Limited


Best Pension Service Provider (2nd consecutive year)

China Life Trustees Limited


Based on Quamnet’s qualitative assessment, including products and services, branding & image, governance, marketing, development and potential, performance, corporate responsibility, business strategy or development. Please refer to:

Bloomberg Business week
Top Fund Awards 2022


Best Performer - Guaranteed Fund

(MPFs - 10 Years)

China Life Joyful Retirement Guaranteed Fund


The Mandatory Provident Fund Awards assessed total return figures based on Bloomberg data as of 30 September 2022 and evaluated funds subject to asset class categories to identify the best performing funds. Please refer

Hong Kong Economic Journal
Financial Services Awards of Excellence 2023


Excellence MPF Scheme Award

China Life Trustees Limited


The awards was recognized based on Hong Kong Economic Journal ’s qualitative assessment, including the strategy of excellence in financial services and innovation. Published on 5 September 2023.

Important Note:

The above information are for reference only and it does not represent any form of guarantee or professional investment advice. It does not constitute any invitation or offer for investment; nor does it form the basis for any agreement to sell or purchase any products. The awards were based on relevant methodology. Investment involves risks, past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should read the MPF Scheme Brochure for the China Life MPF Master Trust Scheme (“MPF Scheme Brochure”) for details including the product features and risks.