

Customer Protection Information


China Life (Overseas) wishes to alert everyone to remain vigilant at all times regarding suspicious phone calls, emails, social media and e-platform etc., and to be cautious of scammers impersonating us to provide information or request your personal data. The official website/platforms of China Life (Overseas) are:

Official Website:

●  Wechat:

  Wechat Service Account ID: clio100

  Wechat Service Account Name: 中国人寿海外

(Please scan by Wechat Scanner)

  Wechat Subscription Account: CLIO_Overseas

  Wechat Subscription Account Name: 國壽海外

(Please scan by Wechat Scanner)


To assist the public in identifying SMS senders and prevent them from falling prey to phishing SMS, the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA), the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Hong Kong Association of Banks and the major telecommunications service providers have implemented the “SMS Sender Registration Scheme” (“Scheme”).

Under the Scheme, only those organizations being registered SMS senders are able to send SMS using their registered sender IDs with prefix '#'. Hence, the public can easily identify whether an SMS is officially received from a registered SMS sender by the prefix “#” in the SMS Sender ID.

China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited (the "Company") participates in the SMS Sender Registration Scheme

To help the customers verify the identities of SMS senders for combatting fraudulent activities, the Company has participated the “SMS Sender Registration Scheme” initiated by OFCA.

The Company shall use the below sender ID to send one-way SMS to the customers with mobile phone numbers registered with the Hong Kong telecommunication operators:
- applicable to both individual insurance and group insurance policies issued in Hong Kong:#ChinaLife
- applicable to HK MPF:#CLT_MPF

Please note that the Scheme is not applicable to:

1.SMS messages of which receiving parties are expected to reply to the senders via phone numbers (two-way SMS);

2.Local subscribers of Single-Card-Multiple-Numbers / One-Card-Two-Numbers mobile service provided by non-Hong Kong operators; and

3.Overseas mobile number

Important Notes

Please stay highly vigilant when receiving SMS from our individual insurance and group insurance, or MPF with sender ID not our registered SMS sender ID "#ChinaLife" or "#CLT_MPF".

For more information about participating organizations and their Registered Sender IDs under the Scheme, please visit the OFCA’s website (

Please review your policy's registered contact information (including phone numbers, mailing address and email address) from time to time to ensure it is up to date. If any changes are needed, please download, register and log in our OneService App/Website to proceed.

To safeguard your interests, please deposit the premium directly into our company's account and should NOT pay to any other third party or sales representatives (including Financial Planner or Brokers). For detailed information, please refer to "Payment Method".

We will issue a policy contract to the Policyholder when your policy application has been approved by us. Please download, register and log in our OneService App / Website to check the Policy. Upon receipt of the policy contract, you may Contact Us for confirming the details.

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer– 「InfoSec」

Hong Kong Police Force–「Cyber Defender」

Office Of The Communications Authority

For enquiries or reporting on suspected online or SMS fraud relating to our Company, please Contact Us.