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Employee Benefits Protection

Enrollment Guidelines
- China Life (Overseas) Group insurance plans are applicable to companies and organizations registered in Hong Kong.
- The enrolling company/organization can decide on details of the coverage or they can leave the design of benefit to us. Premiums will be calculated according to the plan benefits.
- If the enrolling company/organization has enrolled in other group medical insurance plans in the previous 12 months, relevant claim records (or lost ratio) must be provided us to prepare the premium quotation.
- Premium is assessed on a company basis. Individual claim expenses will not lead to premium adjustment for the individual employee.
- Group Insurance plan is fully paid by the employer. All eligible employees must join the plan.

- A minimum of 3 eligible employees.
- The employee must have valid Hong Kong Identity Card or Work Permit.
- Employees and their spouse of 16 – 65 years old can enroll in the plan. Their children of 14 days to 22 years old are also eligible. (Remark: Children between 19 – 22 years old must provide proof of student identity to be eligible.)

Policy Renewal
- Renewal is guaranteed. Nevertheless, our company reserves the right to adjust the premium at the time of policy anniversary.
- One month prior to the policy anniversary, our company will issue and send to you the “renewal notice”, together with “Insurance Benefits Schedule”, “Employee Details” and “Employee Claims Payment Details”.
- We will prepare and issue the policy once we have received your signed copy of the renewal notice.

Enrollment Inquire 95500
Download Group Medical Plan Application Form
Download Group Life Plan Application Form
Download Health Declaration of proposed Insured employees
Download Personal Information Collection Statement