To comply with the new insurance regulation, the insurance terminology currently used in general provisions, benefit provisions, standard illustration, product brochure /product materials and other relevant policy correspondences will be replaced by the standardized industry terminology, without changing their original meanings. Please rest assured that such change(s) has no impact on your policy(ies). For details, please refer to below table for the summary of changes.
保險產品種類 Type of insurance product |
現用詞彙 (如適用) Terminology currently in used (if applicable) |
標準化詞彙 Standardized terminology |
所有 All |
保單期滿 Maturity |
保單滿期 Policy Maturity |
期滿/期末利益 Maturity Benefit |
期滿利益 Maturity Benefit |
保險金額/壽險保額/投保金額/面值 Face Amount / Coverage |
保額 Sum Assured |
行政管理費 Administrative Charges / Management Charge |
保費費用 Premium charge |
提早贖回費/提款手贖費 Surrender charge |
退保費用 Surrender charge |
分期領款/利是錢/保證特別獎賞/教育基金 Coupon Payment/Lucky Money/Guaranteed Special Bonus/Education Fund |
可支取現金 Cash Coupons |
年金/特別年金 Special Annuity Payment |
保證年金金額 Guaranteed Annuity Payment |
滿期保險金額/滿期金額/期滿價值/滿期保障/退休金 Policy Maturity Benefit |
保單期滿利益 Policy Maturity Benefit |
身故保險金/身故賠償金/賠付金額/身故保障 Death Benefit |
身故賠償 Death Benefit |
非保證保障獎賞 Terminal Dividend |
終期紅利 Terminal Dividend |
繳費期 Premium payment term |
保費供款年期 Premium payment term |
非萬用壽險 Non-universal Life Insurance |
保單戶口內 In your Policy Account |
保單內 In your Policy / Policy value |
萬用壽險 Universal Life Insurance |
保單價值/累積價值/帳戶價值 Policy Value / Accumulation Value / Accumulated Value |
戶口價值 Account Value |
利率/給付利率/息率/存入利率/存入年利率 Interest rate / Crediting Interest / Projected Crediting Rate |
派息率 Crediting Interest Rate |
退保費用 Withdrawal charge |
退保費用 Surrender Charge |
Please refer to the general provisions and/or benefit provisions for detailed explanation of the terminologies.