Comfort Accident and Disability Protection Plan
Accidents can never be predicted. Comfort Accident and Disability Protection Plan (the “Plan”) provides sufficient financial support to help you and your family to overcome unexpected financial hardships with ease.
Accidental death benefit
In case the insured suffers from accidental injury and passes away from the accidental injury within 180 days from the date of accident, the Plan will pay an amount equivalent to 100% of the sum assured as accidental death benefit to relieve your family’s financial burden.
If the accident happens while the insured is travelling on public conveyance1 as a fare-paying passenger and the insured passes away from the accidental injury within 180 days from the date of accident, the benefit amount payable will be 200% of the sum assured. In case the accident occurs while the insured is travelling on a public air conveyance2 as a fare-paying passenger, the benefit amount payable will be increased to 300% of the sum assured.
Accidental total and permanent disability benefit
Should the insured suffer from total and permanent disability3 as a result of an accident and is diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner within 180 days from the date of accident, the Plan will provide the accidental total and permanent disability benefit, giving you and your family financial support at a time of need.
Accidental burn benefit and compassionate death benefit
In the unfortunate event that the insured suffers from third degree burns4 in an accident, the benefit amount payable will be 50% of the sum assured. The Plan will also provide the beneficiary with a compassionate death benefit in case the insured passes away due to any cause other than an accident while the policy is in force. The policy will be terminated after the accidental burn benefit or compassionate death benefit has been paid.
24-hour worldwide emergency assistance service5
If the insured is diagnosed with an illness or is injured in an accident outside the country of residence, he/she will access comprehensive coverage under the free 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance service.
Easy enrollment and guaranteed renewal
You can enroll into the Plan by answering a few simple questions. The Plan is yearly renewable and provides guaranteed renewal up to 5 years.
Benefit Schedule
Items | % of sum assured | |
1 | Accidental death benefit (excluding accidents when travelling on public conveyance1 and public air conveyance2 ) | 100% |
2 | Accidental death as passenger on public conveyance1 (excluding any public air conveyance2) benefit | 200% |
3 | Accidental death as passenger on public air conveyance2 benefit | 300% |
4 | Accidental total and permanent disability benefit | 100% |
5 | Accidental burn benefit | 50% |
6 | Compassionate death benefit | HKD1,000 |
The policy will be terminated if any of the above benefits is payable.
Comfort Accident and Disability Protection Plan
Issue / Renewal age | 15 days to age 60 |
Benefit term | To the policy anniversary immediately following the insured’s 65th birthday or the end of the 5-year period guaranteed renewal right, whichever is earlier |
Premium payment term | Payable every year throughout the benefit term |
Premium payment mode | Annual6 |
Policy currency | HKD |
Minimum sum assured | HKD500,000 |
Notes :
- Public conveyance means any bus, school bus, minibus, coach, taxi, ferry, hovercraft, hydrofoil, ship, train, tram, underground train or other means of mechanically propelled conveyance provided and operated by a carrier officially licensed for the regular transportation of fare-paying passengers, or any other officially licensed airport limousine operating on fixed routes and schedules. Public conveyance does not include any public air conveyance.
- Public air conveyance means any fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter provided and operated by an airline or an air charter company which is officially licensed for the regular transportation of fare-paying passengers and operating only in established commercial airports or licensed commercial heliports. Chartered carriers, private carriers or any carriers which are operated primarily for sight-seeing service and amusement of the passengers are excluded.
- Total and permanent disability means as a result of accidental injury and commencing within 180 days from the date of accident, the insured has sustained a total and permanent disability. After 12 calendar months of continuous total disability, the insured is still completely unable to engage in any work, occupation or profession for compensation, wages or profit.
- “Third degree burns” means a burn involving the damage or destruction of the full depth of skin (including epidermis, dermis and down to subcutaneous tissue). The area for third degree burn damage should cover at least 2% for head or 10% for body (excluding head) of total body surface area as measured by the rule of nines or the lund and browder body surface chart.
- 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance service is provided by third party service provider. We will not guarantee the service quality and shall not be liable for any matter in connection with the services. China Life (Overseas) reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions thereof from time to time without prior notice.
- If the required renewal premium is paid by you within the grace period, the policy shall continue to be in force. For details, please refer to the policy provisions issued by China Life (Overseas).
Important Information:
This product brochure is for reference only. Please refer to the Policy documents for the complete definitions of the capitalised terms, as well as all the terms and conditions of this product. You are reminded to review all of the relevant product materials provided to you and to seek independent professional advice if necessary.
- The Policy is underwritten by China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited (“China Life (Overseas)” or "us/we/our"). China Life (Overseas) is responsible for the features, underwriting and benefit payments under the Policy. You should fully understand all of the risks involved in this product and consider whether this product is affordable and suitable to you before making your application.
- China Life (Overseas) shall make the final decisions on the underwriting and claims. We shall rely on your submitted information to assess whether to accept or decline your application, and shall refund any Premium paid without interest for declined cases.
- Exclusions - any claims directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from the following conditions will not be covered: (1) any illness suffered within ninety (90) days from the Policy Effective Date or the last date of reinstatement of this Policy, whichever is later (not applicable to any claims caused by an Accident); (2) any congenital or pre-existing conditions before the Policy Effective Date or the last date of reinstatement of this Policy, whichever is later (not applicable to Autism); (3) if the Insured is diagnosed as suffering from Prostate Cancer, the Insured is aged over seventy (70) on the date of diagnosis of Prostate Cancer; (4) any illness caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), including Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and/or any mutations, derivations or variations (not applicable to items 55 “AIDS / HIV due to Blood Transfusion” and 56 “Occupationally Acquired AIDS / HIV” under the definition of "Critical Illnesses"); (5) any illness or surgery caused by self-inflicted injuries or suicide, whether sane or not (not applicable for the death benefit); or (6) taking of drugs (except medicine prescribed by a Registered Medical Practitioner), abuse of alcohol or taking of poison.
In addition, the information stated herein is for reference only. Please refer to the General Provisions for the exact terms and conditions and limitations such as incontestability, suicide and fraud etc. or all exclusions. - Limitation - If the Insured is diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner that suffers from more than one of the illnesses mentioned in the Covered Illnesses Table while the Policy is in force, only one of the illnesses will be paid, whichever is higher.
- Non-Payment of Premium / Automatic Premium Loan - You should pay Premium(s) on time according to the selected Premium payment schedule. If the due Premium remains unpaid upon the expiry of the Grace Period, an Automatic Premium Loan will be taken out against the Policy to settle the unpaid Premium automatically. All Policy Loans are interest-bearing and calculated at a rate (as stated on our corporate website www.chinalife.com.hk) to be declared by us from time to time. Interest accrued shall become a part of the Indebtedness. When the loan balance is equal to or exceeds the guaranteed Cash Value of the basic plan of the Policy, the Policy will be lapsed and you will lose the related insurance coverage and suffer a financial loss. Under these circumstances, the Surrender Value of the Policy will be deducted to repay the outstanding loan balance (including interest), and the remaining value will be refunded to you.
- Dividend and/or Crediting Interest Philosophy - This is a participating and/or providing interest on accumulation insurance plan. Premiums received from the policies will be invested to a variety of assets according to China Life (Overseas)’s investment strategy. The surplus from the invested assets will be shared with Policyholder through declared dividends and/or interest rate on accumulation in accordance with the relevant clause in the benefit provision. China Life (Overseas) will ensure a fair sharing of profits among different groups of policyholders and also between policyholders and China Life (Overseas). China Life (Overseas) will review and determine the dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation at least once a year, the current projection on dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation are not guaranteed and subject to change with the entire performance of the relevant policies and the factor including but not limited to the investment returns, operating expense, claims experience, commission, persistency, past experience and future prospect. In addition, China Life (Overseas) will consider both past and future outlooks of all factors including but not limited to:
Claims – including the costs of providing death benefit as well as other benefits under the product(s).
Investment return – including the interest income, dividend income, outlook of interest rates and any changes in the market value of the product's backing asset.
Expenses – including both direct expenses (e.g. commissions, underwriting, issue and premium collection expenses) and indirect expenses (e.g. general overhead expenses) related to the product.
Persistency – including policy lapse and partial surrender experience.
Note: The dividend or interest rate history is not an indicator of the future performance of this product.
- Investment Philosophy, Policy and Strategy - China Life (Overseas) aims to strive for minimizing volatility of the investment return and provides stable return as our investment philosophy. Assets are mainly invested in bonds and other fixed income instruments, such as government and corporate bonds and other fixed income instruments to support the guaranteed financial obligation. To enhance the performance of the investment portfolio, China Life (Overseas) invests in equity-type investments and other investment instruments such as mutual funds and direct / indirect investment in properties or commercial institutions.
The investment portfolio will be diversified across different geographic regions and/or industries. Investment strategy will be subject to change depending on the market conditions and the economic outlook. China Life (Overseas) will inform Policyholder the relevant changes in dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation and the impact to the policies when there is change in the investment strategy.
China Life (Overseas)'s current investment strategy on participating and/or providing interest on accumulation plans are as follow:
Asset Type Target Asset Mix (%) Bonds and other fixed income instruments 50% to 90% Equity-type investment and other investments 10% to 50% Please refer to China Life (Overseas) Company’s website www.chinalife.com.hk/products/dividendandinvestment for dividend history, Dividend and/or Crediting Interest Philosophy, Investment Philosophy, Policy and Strategy, as well as the fulfillment ratio of China Life (Overseas).
- Cooling-off Right - You have the right to cancel the Policy within the Cooling-off Period and obtain a refund of any Premiums paid by giving written notice to us provided that you have not made any claims under the Policy. Such notice must be signed by you and submitted to China Life (Overseas) at 22/F, CLI Building, 313 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong within 21 days after the delivery of the Policy or issue of a Notice to you or your representative informing you that the Policy is available, whichever is earlier.
- Terminal Dividend is distributed together with the Death Benefit, or the first Critical Illness Benefit payment, or upon Policy surrender, or Policy maturity, whichever is earlier. If any of the aforementioned occurs during the Policy period, China Life (Overseas) will distribute the Terminal Dividend at the preceding Policy Anniversary.
- The Second Medical Opinion and the NAVIGATOR are provided by third-party supplier(s), MediGuide International LLC, appointed by China Life (Overseas). China Life (Overseas) is not the service provider, and is not liable for the service quality provided. China Life (Overseas) reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions thereof from time to time without prior notice.
- 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Service is provided by Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited. The provision of services is subject to the terms and conditions of the Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited. China Life (Overseas) reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions thereof from time to time without prior notice.
- The Self-Select Critical Illness Benefit, Multiple Cancer Benefit, Critical Illness Benefit, Multiple Critical Illness Benefit and Special Disease Benefit will be paid to the Insured who is still alive. If the Insured is aged below 18, the benefit will be paid to the Policyholder.
What are the key product risks? | |
Credit risk | This product is a life insurance Policy issued by China Life (Overseas). Any Premium paid will become part of our assets and our financial strength will affect our ability to meet our contractual obligations to you under the Policy. Therefore this product is subject to our credit risk. |
Early surrender risk: | The savings component of the Plan is subject to risks and possible losses. Should you surrender the Policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of Premiums paid. |
Exchange rate and Currency risks | Any Policy with foreign currencies involves risks, such as potential changes in political or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. The fluctuations in exchange rates may also cause financial losses to you during currency conversions. You should consider the potential currency and exchange rate risks before deciding which Policy currency you should take. |
Inflation risk | The cost of living in the future may be higher than expected due to the effects of inflation. Therefore, your current planned benefits and/or returns may be insufficient to meet your future needs even if we fulfill all of our contractual terms and obligations. |
Liquidity and Withdrawal risk | You are are obliged to hold the Policy and pay the Premium for the designated period of time. If you terminate the Policy prior to the Policy Maturity Date, you will suffer a financial loss. In case you make partial withdrawals from the Policy, your account value, death benefit and other Policy values will be reduced, and you may need to pay the relevant handling fee or charges (if any). |
Non-guaranteed Benefit | This Plan consists of non-guaranteed benefits and/or returns. The actual amounts of benefits and/or returns in the future may be different from the benefits and/or returns which project on the product materials. The product materials are for illustrative purposes only. |
Policy Termination | The Policy will be terminated if (a) the Policy has lapsed or is surrendered; (b) the Policy maturity benefit is paid; (c) the death benefit is paid; (d) the Policy has paid the Multiple Critical Illness Benefit for four (4) times (applicable to Basic Plan) or the Policy has paid the Multiple Critical Illness Benefit for four (4) times and has paid the Multiple Cancer Benefit (if effective) for two (2) times (applicable to SS Plan) ; (e) the due Premium has not been paid within 31 days after the Premium Due Date and the Policy has no remaining guaranteed Cash Value; or (f) the Indebtedness of this Policy is equal to or exceeds the guaranteed Cash Value of this Policy. |
Premium adjustment and renewal | China Life (Overseas) has the absolute right and discretion to adjust the renewal premium payable under the Policy at the end of each Coverage Period (that is every year). Factors leading to premium adjustment may include but are not limited to the experience in claims, policy surrender, investment return, and expenses incurred by and/or in relation to this product. |
The information and descriptions contained herein are not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions applicable to the products and services, but are provided solely for general informational purposes. For complete details please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement.