MPF & ORSO Download Centre

Offering Document

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • Key Scheme Information Document
    Key Scheme Information Document for China Life MPF Master Trust Scheme
  • Scheme Brochure
    MPF Scheme Brochure for the China Life MPF Master Trust Scheme
  • Tdeed
    Trust Deed
  • latest
    Cover Letter of onboarding to eMPF Platform (Employers)
  • latest
    Cover Letter of onboarding to eMPF Platform (Scheme Members)
  • latest
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (22 May 2024)
  • Notice20230523
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (23 May 2023)
  • 20230112
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (01 Feb 2023)
  • 20221017
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (17 Oct 2022)
  • Notice20220616
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (21 Jun 2022)
  • Notice20211123
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (23 Nov 2021)
  • Notice20200828
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (28 Aug 2020)
  • OCI
    On-going Cost Illustrations
  • MCF
    An Illustrative Example of Fees of the MPF Conservative Fund

Scheme Information

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • Retire-Easy
    China Life Retire-Easy Global Equity Fund (Chinese only)
    China Life US Equity Fund (Chinese only)
  • Equity Fund
    China Life Greater China Equity Fund (Chinese only)
  • TVC Leaflet
    Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Leaflet
  • FAQ_GF
    FAQs for Termination of China Life Guaranteed Return Fund and Changes to China Life Retire-Easy Guarantee Fund
  • AFS2019
    China Life MPF Master Trust Scheme - Reports and Financial Statements
  • GR0630
    China Life MPF Master Trust Scheme - Governance Report
    FAQs for Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions
  • GNT_RGU_rate_FAQ
    FAQs for Change of Guaranteed Rates of Return and Net Guaranteed Rates of Return of China Life Guaranteed Return Fund and China Life Retire-Easy Guarantee Fund
    FAQs for Termination of China Life Retire-Easy Balanced Fund and China Life Retire-Easy Capital Stable Fund
  • DIS_Basic_Features
    Basic Default Investment Strategy Features
    FAQs for Default Investment Strategy

Fund Performance Review

E Self-Service  

Form Application

Employer MPF Newsletter

E Self-Service  

Form Application

Member MPF Newsletter

E Self-Service  

Form Application

Smart Easy Personal Contributions

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • SVC_CL81
    Application of Participation Form for Smart Easy Personal Contributions
  • KYC
    Know Your Customer Questionnaire
  • CL-FS
    Change of Member's Investment Choice Form
  • SVC_CL84
    Benefit Withdrawal Form
  • SVC_CL82
    Contribution Arrangement Form
    Amendment to the "Participation Form of the Personal Account Holder ("PAH")" / "Application of Participation Form for Smart Easy Personal Contributions ("SVC")" / "Application of Participation Form for Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution ("TVC") Account
  • SVC_CL83
    Termination Form


E Self-Service  

Form Application


E Self-Service  

Form Application

Self-employed Person

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • SEP_CL21
    Application of Participation Form for Self-Employed Person
  • KYC
    Know Your Customer Questionnaire
  • CL-FS
    Change of Member's Investment Choice Form
    Declaration by Self-employed Person ("SEP")
  • SEP_RI_Declaration
    Declaration Relating to Relevant Income in Respect of Self-Employed Person
  • SEP_CLT012
    Amendment to the "Participation Form of the Self-Employed Person"

Personal Account Holder

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • PAH_CL31
    Application of Participation Form - Personal Account Holder
  • CL-FS
    Change of Member's Investment Choice Form
    Amendment to the "Participation Form of the Personal Account Holder ("PAH")" / "Application of Participation Form for Smart Easy Personal Contributions ("SVC")" / "Application of Participation Form for Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution ("TVC") Account

Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions

E Self-Service  

Form Application

    Contribution Guide for Existing Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution ("TVC") Account Holder (Only available in Chinese version)
  • KYC
    Know Your Customer Questionnaire
  • TVC_CL91
    Application of Participation Form for Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution ("TVC") Account
  • TVC_CL92
    Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution ("TVC") Account – Contribution Arrangement Form
  • TVC_CL92
    Change of Member's Investment Choice Form
    Amendment to the "Participation Form of the Personal Account Holder ("PAH")" / "Application of Participation Form for Smart Easy Personal Contributions ("SVC")" / "Application of Participation Form for Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution ("TVC") Account

Transfer of Member's Accrued Benefits

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • PC
    Scheme Member's Request for Account Consolidation Form [Form MPF(S) - P(C)]
    MPF form Download Agreement
    Scheme Member's Request for Fund Transfer Form [Form: MPF(S)-P(M)]
    MPF form Download Agreement
    Employee Choice Arrangement ("ECA") - Transfer Election Form [FORM MPF(S)-P(P)]
    MPF form Download Agreement
    Scheme Member's Request for Transfer of Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC) [Form: MPF(S)-P(T)]
    MPF form Download Agreement

Claim for Member's Accrued Benefits

E Self-Service  

Form Application

    Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Attaining The Retirement Age of 65 or Early Retirement [FORM MPF(S) - W(R)]
    Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure From Hong Kong/Total Incapacity/Terminal Illness/Small Balance/Death [FORM MPF(S)- W(O)]
  • Annex_C_to_IV_4
    Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Early Retirement [FORM MPF(S) - W(SD1)]
  • Annex_D_to_IV_4
    Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong [FORM MPF(S) - W(SD2)]
  • Annex_E_to_IV_4
    Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Small Balance [FORM MPF(S) - W(SD3)]
  • Annex_F_to_IV_4
    Statutory Declaration made by the Committee of the Estate of a Scheme Member for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits [FORM MPF(S) - W(SD4)]
  • Annex_E_to_IV
    Statutory Declaration On Cessation Of Employment [Form MPF(S) - C(SD)]
  • Annex_B_to_IV_4
    Certificate of a Person's Permanent Unfitness for a Particular Kind of Work [FORM MPF(S) - W(M)]
  • Annex_G_to_IV_4
    Certificate of a Person having a Terminal Illness that falls within S158(3) of the MPF Schemes (General) Regulation or S6(12G) of Schedule 2 to the MPF Schemes (Exemption) Regulation [FORM MPF(S) – W(T)/FORM MMB – W(T)]

Tax Residency Self-Certification Form

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • AEOI_CLT015
    Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification Form
  • AEOI_CLT016
    Entity Tax Residency Self-Certification Form
  • AEOI_CLT017
    Controlling Person Tax Residency Self-Certification Form

Illustrative Guide

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • 2FA_EE
    MPF Member Online Account Two-Factor Authentication User Guide
  • IllustrativeGuide_ABS
    Annual Benefit Statement - Illustrative Guide
  • IllustrativeGuide
    Fund Performance Review - Illustrative Guide
  • IllustrativeGuide_OCI
    On-going Cost Illustration - Illustrative Guide


E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • Surcharge_FAQ
    FAQs for Employers - Contribution Surcharge (Only available in Chinese version)
  • Contribution_Misconception
    Common Misconceptions in Handling MPF Contributions
    FAQs for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters ("AEOI") related to MPF/ORSO Registered Schemes

ORSO - China Life Central Provident Fund

E Self-Service  

Form Application

    China Life Central Provident Fund Principal Brochure
  • C01notice
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (1 February 2023)
  • 20221013
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (31 October 2022)
  • Notice to Participating Employers and Members (22 February 2021)
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (22 February 2021)
  • ORSO_Notice_20191231
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (31 December 2019)
  • ORSO_Notice_20180108
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (1 January 2018)
  • ORSO_ChangeERinfo
    Change of Employer's Information Form
  • ORSO_NewMember
    New Member Enrollment Form
  • ORSO_Addition
    Report of Addition
  • ORSO_ChangeMemberData
    Report on Change of Particulars of Member's Data
  • ORSO_Withdrawal
    Withdrawal Form
  • Annex_A_to_V_11
    Claim Form for Withdrawal of Minimum MPF Benefits from MPF Exempted ORSO Registered Scheme [FORM MMB - W)]

ORSO - Tai Ping Master Provident Fund

E Self-Service  

Form Application

  • Tal_Pin_20221013
    Tai Ping Master Provident Fund Principal Brochure
  • C05
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (1 February 2023)
  • Notice20221013_1
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (31 October 2022)
  • Notice20221013_2
    Notice to Participating Employers and Members (31 December 2019)